
?????丹?阿克森 ????任職公司:通用汽車 ????如果沒有Facebook,“史上最大規(guī)模首次公開募股”的名號應該屬于通用汽車(General Motors)。2010年,受美國聯(lián)邦政府的邀請,丹?阿克森接替愛德華?惠特克,成為通用汽車CEO,之后他便帶領公司完成了規(guī)模巨大的IPO。 ????從數(shù)字上來看,通用汽車的表現(xiàn)堪稱完美:2011年,公司公布的利潤達到了創(chuàng)紀錄的92億美元,比2010年增加了約50%,鑒于公司在2009年還曾申請破產(chǎn),取得這樣的成績實屬不易。此外,今年五月是自2009年舊車換現(xiàn)金計劃(Cash for Clunkers)以來通用汽車史上銷售最火爆的月份。 ????不過,雖然公司表現(xiàn)穩(wěn)健,但政府仍然擁有它約四分之一的股份,阿克森在接受《財富》雜志采訪時表示,他并不確定美國政府什么時候才會全部賣掉在通用汽車持有的股份。未來幾年,通用汽車將面臨與其他直接競爭對手相同的問題:在全球經(jīng)濟增速放緩的情況下如何將汽車賣給正在苦苦掙扎的普通消費者。 |
????Dan Akerson ????Company: General Motors ????Until Facebook overshadowed GM, the automaker could claim the biggest initial public offering in history. CEO Dan Akerson guided GM through its massive IPO, after the federal government asked him to take the reins from Ed Whitacre in 2010. ????Some of GM's numbers look great: in 2011, the company posted a record profit of $9.2 billion, up by almost 50% from 2010, which is even more impressive given the company filed for bankruptcy in 2009. Besides, this past May was the best sales month for GM since the 2009 Cash for Clunkers program. ????Despite its solid performance, the government still owns about a quarter of the company, and in a conversation with Fortune, Akerson said he wasn't quite sure when the government would fully sell off its stake. In the coming years, GM will face the same problem as its immediate competitors: how to sell automobiles to consumers struggling amid slow global economic growth. |